7 Uses For Lavender

As spring begins it's slow northward greening, we wanted to share some practical uses for lavender!
1. Calming Anxiety
Feeling stressed? Dab a little lavender oil on your pillow at night for restful sleep. Place a drop or two on your temples or under your nose to take the edge off.
2. Naturally Antimicrobial
Lavender flowers and water were used by nurses to wash linens and bathe patients. This knowledge was lost as hospitals began to rely on more powerful drugs and antiseptics, but lavender’s benefits haven’t gone anywhere! You can substitute lavender oil for the flowers by using 8-10 drops per cup.
5 cups water
Add flowers and water to a pot. Cover, and simmer for a fifteen minutes, adding water as necessary to maintain the ratio. Add to spray bottle and use as a surface cleaner!
3. Baking
You can add a few tablespoons of lavender to all kinds of baked goods, savory and sweet. Check out our favorite Lavender Lemon Scone recipe!
4. Soothe Wounds & Pain
Lavender has been found to speed wound healing and reduce scarring. It is one of the only essential oils safe to apply directly to skin.
Lavender First Aid Recipe
In a small bowl or on a cotton wad, mix 2-3 drops pure lavender oil with a few drops of coconut or almond oil. Apply gently to affected area.*
5. Curb Hot Flashes
A study showed that women who used lavender essential oil as aromatherapy during hot flashes lowered the duration by 50%! Dab oil under your nose and on your temples for relief.
6. Motion Sickness
Lavender oil can be useful for relieving nausea from motion sickness. It also helps relieve anxiety, which can be part of the problem, or make the nausea worse. Carry some with you on your next trip!
7. Nail Health
Lavender is naturally anti-fungal. This helps keep your nails and cuticles in top shape. Just a few drops daily on nails and cuticles will help!
*This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or injury.