Ways to give back to our planet on Earth Day

The earth is our home. When it is clean and cared for, nature produces food, water, and places for animals, plants, and people to thrive. We have a responsibility for all living things to live lightly on the earth so that life can continue!
Here are a few ideas for how you can celebrate and honor the earth today:
1. Get to know your local area. Go for a hike in a place you haven't been to. Take a bird and plant book with you, and get to know the local species. Keep following your curiousity!
2. Do this today: Find a place to volunteer your time this year. Google "land trust near (town or county you live in)," or "places to volunteer for ecological restoration near (town you live in)." You might be amazed at the opportunities near you!
3. The world around us didn't used to be a sea of lawns and manicured parks—it used to be wild! Filled with biodiversity and thousands of flowers and plants. Get to know the plants of your local bioregion. Find the places they still grow, and start your own native plant and herb garden at home. Search for "native plant nursery" to find a local supplier of native plants. Once you've created a native plant garden, you might be amazed at the birds and insects that show up!
4. Work with your local neighborhood association to plant native species in your parks. Native plants are resilient, often require little water, and are very beautiful. See if you can get some growing in your neighborhood!
5. Donate to a local environmental organization. Did you know that less than 1% of charitable donations go to environmental causes? Local conservation organizations can always use your help. If you can't donate, you can always volunteer your time, as mentioned above!